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just kept repeating

已有(yǒu) 1059 次阅读2015-5-8 02:33 | louboutin homm, louboutin femm

(Reporter correspondent Li Qing Liu Hong Shijie) consider themselves very ordinary life, in order to do something meaningful member, 38-year-old Zhang Jianli migrant workers the right of soldiers to convince his wife and children after cancer himself behind donor cornea,http://www.057321.com/forum.html?mod=viewthread&tid=723682&fromuid=101848, let others see world. After 6:00 the day before yesterday, Wuhan Aier Eye Red Cross staff registered for cornea donation receiving station Zhang Bing the right to inform their families of telephone news of the death,http://lond840moth.seesaa.net, the military commander in the right Zhang completed cornea donation ceremony.
Zhang Bing is the right person for Jianli, 2002 he and his wife Wang Ailin married. After marriage, the couple went to Hunan Zhuzhou a garment factory workers, and fathered a son 10 years old.
In the eyes of relatives and friends, the right Zhang Bing is a recognized good man, Which have difficulties to help, he would take the initiative to ask and lend a helping hand. Last February a sudden pain in his leg, after a final consultation to the Han multi seek medical treatment,louboutin homme pas cher, and diagnosis of bone metastasis. But he has missed the best timing of treatment.
During recuperate at home,louboutin femme pas cher, happened to see the news in the newspaper after cornea donation, Zhang Bing the right decisions behind the cornea donation, and telling his family to the Red Cross in Wuhan Ireland Eye cornea donation receiving station registration application.
Right heard Zhang Bing cornea donation ideas, his mother, his wife and 10-year-old son, Bowen did not understand at first.
Wang Ailin said her husband first talk with his son's death would soon be ready to donate corneas,hollister, when sensible little Bowen crying over three hours, just kept repeating: "Dad do not die,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, I want my father has been with me ... ... "
Right Bing Zhang patiently over and over to his son say: "Dad is an ordinary person,polo ralph lauren pas cher, I never done anything big, but if the father of the cornea can save others,http://repository.tku.ac.jp, do in this life is the father of the largest and most proud thing Dad . "In the end,http://jkhjkg2.xmp03.host.35.com/news/html/?1646340.html, his wife and son Qinzheyanlei agreed to his decision. Last Nov. 21,http://07kkk.k9w9.com/forum.html?mod=viewthread&tid=2463340&fromuid=10685,christian louboutin homme, his family's support,http://my.5754.cn/home.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Zhang Bing and right cornea donation volunteers signed registration form.
According to the staff of the station that vitamin introduced, Zhang Jianli Right Bing is the first to achieve cornea donors. His crystal clear cornea, cornea donation if implemented, at least two of sight relief. Few days,http://www.chepin4s.com/forum.html?mod=viewthread&tid=271982&fromuid=25286, Zhang Bing and right corneas transplanted into the eye of patients with severe corneal disease.
(Original title: cancer behind migrant workers donated cornea incorrigible two)
?(Edit: SN021)







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