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已有(yǒu) 1103 次阅读2015-5-8 01:21 | louboutin homm, chaussures lou

Suspects were arrested
Ping Mouzheng suspect arrested
Suspect has been Jingfangxingju, the case is under further investigation
Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zheng Cheng photo coverage: January 31, Dali,http://www.burkeirishdance.com, a woman in the face with both hands robbers scrambling care package,chaussures louboutin hommes, after being chopped 17 knife, this scene is just her little daughter witnessed the whole . This vicious incident caused the city a hot time, the police offering a reward of 30,http://jqfl.whjqedu.cn/bbs/home.html?mod=space&uid=405565,000 yuan Hyde.
5, good news, after several days of arrest,http://www.809955.com/read.php?tid=11368843, which was finally arrested suspects in Guilin.
January 31 night, a lot of people in my circle of friends Foshan have seen such a micro-channel, said a woman in the South China Sea Dali Jiangxia village bus station to be robbed of handbags, do not chop my hands off after. Reporters saw friends emitted from multiple photos, a white woman squatting on the ground, his hands and on the ground were stained with blood.
Witnesses said the 8 o'clock in the morning, the woman at the bus stop while waiting for the bus while playing cell phone, and suddenly a man ride up, grabbed her bag. Woman refused, grabbed the bag does not let go, so the robbers slashed a knife against the woman, then fled the scene. And next to her little daughter was scared to stop crying.
Subsequently,chaussures nike pas cher, the woman was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. After examination,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, the woman body cut 17 knives. Reporters learned that,http://www.gzpywang.com/home.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, when the woman out of the house, and no valuables inside the bag, but usually with a wallet and cell phone.
5,christian louboutin homme,http://dosankonet.jp, suspect Pingmou Zheng (male, 47 years old, Guangxi Pingle County, but had robbery was sentenced) arrested. Police said the incident they quickly set up a task force, through on-site visits, video tracking, site inspection, etc.,louboutin homme pas cher, locked the suspect's identity and escape direction. Subsequently,http://blog.vanghe.cn/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-9, the task force went to Guangxi Guilin Pingle County, on February 5 will arrested, and found the suspect committing the crime scene with a knife in a nearby bush.
After initial interrogation, the suspect of robbery with a knife wounding confessed to the crime. Currently,louboutin soldes, Ping Mouzheng been Jingfangxingju,http://www.africanaheritage.com/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=2, the case is under further investigation.
(Original title: Foshan bus station in case of a woman grab the knife cut 17 suspects were apprehended in the hunt for 6 days)







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